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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Eugene Underwood 1943

"Eugene Underwood, age 14, accidental homicide, he was learning ju-jitsu and strangled his self while practicing, he had callous marks on his throat.  March 20, 1943 Los Angeles."

In 1943, Eugene Underwood, a 14-year-old boy residing at 453 1/2 North Bonnie Brae Street, tragically died in what police ruled as an accidental death, though its circumstances raise significant questions. According to authorities, Eugene caused his own death by placing a paralyzing hold on his neck, which ultimately put him in a coma. His mother, Mrs. Bessie Underwood, found him nude and lifeless in bed, with his hands around his throat and bruises visible on his neck. She explained to police that Eugene, a student of "oriental wrestling" called jujitsu, supposedly had a habit of performing a neck hold that could knock him or others unconscious by applying pressure with his thumb and forefinger to a specific point on the throat. Despite warnings from his doctor that this hold could be dangerous, Eugene continued to practice it, fascinated by the sensation of losing consciousness.

The Fire Department's inhalator squad arrived at the scene but was unable to revive Eugene. Following the discovery of his unmarked body, an autopsy was ordered at the recommendation of Detective Lieutenant Harry Fremont. County Autopsy Surgeon Frank R. Wenn reported that Eugene had died of strangulation, with pressure on a nerve in his neck causing paralysis of his diaphragm, stopping his breathing. Although his death was officially classified as accidental, many details in the case suggest a different cause.

There is a strong possibility that Eugene's death could be linked to auto-erotic asphyxiation, a dangerous practice in which individuals cut off their oxygen supply during masturbation to heighten sexual pleasure. This practice, often referred to as asphyxiophilia or hypoxyphilia, is not uncommon among adolescents. In many cases, the individual uses a cord or other object to restrict blood flow to the brain, leading to unconsciousness. The danger comes when the person's body slumps or the constriction tightens too much, leading to accidental strangulation.

The theory that Eugene's death may have been related to auto-erotic asphyxiation is supported by similar cases that have been widely documented, including a 1988 interview on Larry King Live with Dr. Harvey Resnick of George Washington University. Dr. Resnick, along with a woman whose 13 year old son had died in a similar fashion, revealed that many young men unintentionally kill themselves through this practice each year. According to one of the world's leading sexologists, Dr. John Money, the number of such deaths may be in the tens of thousands. If this was indeed the cause of Eugene's death, it sheds light on a tragic and misunderstood aspect of adolescent behavior that continues to claim lives.

A word of caution: There are no harm reduction techniques for autoerotic asphyxiation. Death can happen from sexual choking when there's too much pressure on your carotid arteries (two large blood vessels in your neck that supply your brain with blood). If you have an emergency situation during sexual choking, call 911 right away. Emergency services are there to help you and make sure you’re safe. Don’t let fear of judgment or stigma keep you from getting the help you need. 

Call if someone: 

  • Loses consciousness
  • Can’t breathe
  • Is having weakness on one side of their body
  • Can’t speak

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